Vase de Noces

Vase de Noces 1974 is a Belgian arthouse film directed by Thierry Zno and stars Dominique Garny.

The film follows a man, who has an intellectual or mental disorder, living on a farm in rural Belgium. He demonstrates bizarre behavior from the beginning fastening dolls heads to pigeons collecting his feces in glass jars and beheading a hen for his own amusement. He is also obsessed with a sow who lives on the farm. We see him gleefully rolling around in the manure with the sow, and then he rapes her, which his behavior suggests he sees as an intimate and mutually agreeable act. Later, the sow gives birth to a litter of piglets. The man attempts to spoonfeed milk to the piglets, but the piglets prefer to drink directly from the milk bowl. In general, the piglets prefer their mothers company, repeatedly scorning the mans advances. Taking this rejection as an unforgivable personal slight, the man hangs the piglets to death and leaves their bodies strung up in the open. When the sow discovers the remains of the piglets, she runs madly around the farm squealing. The sow slips into a deep patch in the mud and drowns there.The man searches for the sow, and becomes visibly distraught when he discovers her dead. He drags the body from the mud, buries it on the farm grounds, and crudely attempts to bury himself on a patch of ground nearby. He gets up, and his grief turns to rage. He rushes around the farm scattering and smashing his belongings from the house, including his jars of waste. He prepares and vigorously consumes a tea made of feces and urine, and determinedly climbs a ladder in the barn and hangs himself with a rope. In the final scene we see his spirit floating skyward. ........

Source: Wikipedia